Decorating TipsHobbies & CraftsThanksgiving Fun

Kids love to be part of the holiday preparations, and kids love crafts. Here are some fun Thanksgiving crafts that you can make with your kids...

There are so many possibilities when it comes to Thanksgiving table decorations. Following are some centerpieces, placemats, napkins & napkin holders, candle arrangements, place settings, chair covers, and Thanksgiving garland to choose from.

Last year's Thanksgiving dinner was my first time cooking for vegetarians. After a little research, I found that I could plan Thanksgiving dinner that would make all of my guests -- vegetarians included -- feel comfortable and satisfied when they left the table. I just had to do a few things differently...

The following tips will help you get through the day and still give you time to entertain your guests. The trick is to plan early and do things in stages... In fact, as soon as Halloween is over, you should start thinking about your Thanksgiving dinner plans.

These are things you can only get away with saying during Thanksgiving time. They're pretty funny.

Here are some little-known fun facts about Turkeys... plus some fun Thanksgiving Day songs & audio clips.

Eating out on Thanksgiving Day is becoming popular. In fact, more than 50% of Americans have their Thanksgiving dinner prepared (in full or in part) outside the home. Here's an interesting look at the growing tradition of dining out on Thanksgiving Day.

Thanksgiving & Christmas holiday traditions to try with your family. Why not start a new family tradition this year?