New Year's Fun

Looking for fun things to add to your bucket list? Start with the book 101 Things To Do Before You're Old and Boring! Here's what they say you should do before you're old & gray...

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The best tips I use for writing New Year resolutions, sticking to them, and monitoring my progress throughout the year. All you need is a little motivation!

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First some fun facts about New Year's resolutions. Then, my personal resolutions for the year -- which all happen to have a 'green' theme. Finally, a poll for your feedback, plus tips for sticking to your New Years resolutions this year.

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Some fun and interesting New Year's ideas to explore...

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Got a memorable story? A horrible experience? A funny situation? Why not take a few seconds to share your New Year's Eve memories... there could be a free video camera in it for you!

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Check out this list of unique New Year's Resolutions... my personal New Year's resolutions, other common New Years resolutions, the most popular New Year's resolutions, and more. Plus tips on how to stick to your resolutions this year!

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With all the hub-bub about Christmas Trees vs Holiday Trees, churches having -- or not having -- Sunday services on Christmas day, and all the other 'politically correct' ways that people have tried to un-Christmas the holiday this year... I've got an idea! It's called 'Merry New Year'...

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Each and every year I do come up with at least one New Year's Resolution, and I consciously attempt to stick to it throughout the year. It's kind of interesting to see where my priorities have been these past few years:

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