With Halloween right around the corner, you could do the same old thing and leave the porch light on with a bowl of candy near the door.
Or, you can make a serious effort to make Halloween special for the children in your neighborhood!
How many houses stand out from your past as going the extra mile each Halloween? You want to be like one of those, right?
Well, you’re in luck. You should be able to find a lot of great ideas from the following Halloween props & special effects sources.
There are lots of Ideas that will help you decorate your house and yard and create a storyline that will surely provide some lasting memories for all the visitors who will be flocking to your door this Halloween!
Most of these include instructions for props and special effects that you can make yourself, but there are a few that you can order online as well.
The Best Halloween Special Effects
- Halloween Props & Special Effects – Dozens of great spooky ideas and visual illusions like the Talking Head Without a Body, as well as many different lights & sound effects.
- Haunters Hangout – You’ll find swinging gates, tombstones, trash can traumas, flying crank ghosts, and more. Hundreds of great ideas…literally!
- 50 Do-It-Yourself Halloween Ideas – Everything from Halloween costumes to Halloween decorations and Halloween food ideas. Fun stuff!
Halloween Magazine – For those who are less inclined to build your own, this collection of props can be ordered online
- The Horror Dome – A spectacularly horrific mask is the key to scaring the heck out of trick-or-treaters. There are some humdingers on this site!
- DIY Halloween Props, Projects & Ideas – A large collection of links to all sorts of DIY Halloween prop ideas you can make yourself.
- Halloween Props & Special FX – Everything from lighting, simulated thunder & lightning, even a rotting corpse or two.
- Monster List of Halloween Projects – Over 250 how-to’s for Halloween props you can make yourself — all in alphabetical order with good pictures and instructions.
- Halloween Prop Building For The DIY Handyman – A good collection of links and ideas for the home handyman.
- Yard Haunter – This site covers every possible angle of creating the perfect haunted Halloween yard, including how to do it all yourself from scratch!
- Garage of Evil – A wide range of fun Halloween props you can make yourself.
- 10 Terrifying Props For Your Haunted House – Some interesting Halloween prop ideas in this collection.
Now you’ve got more to choose from in the way of ideas for Halloween props than any one person could possibly make in one year. But that’s okay, because you’ll have a wealth of ideas waiting for you when you’re ready to tackle next year’s Halloween props… and the next year… and so on!
If you’re lucky, you’ll earn the reputation of being that weird family at the end of the block with a scary sense of humor. After all which is more fun… being famous, or being infamous?