Making your own Halloween costume — especially a kid’s costume — can be one of the best experiences for all involved, including the parents and the child.
I remember my parents helping me to come up with Halloween costume ideas, and then helping me find the items I need to put the costume together.
Store-bought costumes were just not purchased very often at my house. Being creative and coming up with our own costumes was much more fun!
Following are some great ideas for making your own Halloween costumes for kids…
We’ll start with the most basic, least creative of the bunch. Here are 6 homemade Halloween costumes for kids which are very simple to make yourself You’ll find instructions for making these:
- Robin Hood costume
- Skeleton costume
- Scarecrow costume
- Medieval lady costume
- Clown costume
- Cat costume

If you’re looking for something fast and easy (maybe Halloween is tomorrow and you and your kids haven’t had a chance to even think about costumes yet!), then you should check out these fast & simple last-minute Halloween costumes to make for kids. The cool thing about these costumes is you probably won’t have to purchase anything or very little to create them as most of the items can easily be found around the house! You’ll find 10 pages filled with lots of really cute kids costume ideas, including:
- Bag of jelly beans costume
- Barbie costume
- Basket full of laundry costume
- Biker costume
- Blackeyed Pea costume
- Blues Clues costume
- Coloring crayon costume
- Cotton candy costume
- Dust bunny costume
- Glamorous ghosts costume
- Gum under the chair costume
- Lego costume
- Ninja turtle costume
- Puppy costume
- Smartie pants costume
Looking for something for your littlest child? Check out these homemade costume ideas for little kids. Although most of these Halloween costume ideas will probably require a trip to a fabric store or craft store, I still think it would be more than worth it when you see how cute your child looks when you’re done! There are DIY instructions for making:
- “A good egg” costume
- Bird’s nest costume
- Butterfly costume
- Toadstool costume
- Duck costume
- Farmer costume
- Little bearded gnome costume
- Little mouse costume
- Ladybug costume
- Mermaid costume
- Sunflower costume
- Skunk costume
- Ice cream cone costume
If you’re looking for the up side to creative, then you definitely want to check out these photos and instructions for some unique kids Halloween costumes to make. You’ll find 17 pages of ideas, including:
- Scaly serpent costume
- Jack and the beanstalk costume
- Banana split costume
- Honest Abe costume
- Candy machine costume
If you dread the idea of trying to put together kid’s Halloween costumes by sewing them yourself, then you simply must check out these way cool no-sew kids Halloween costumes. There are a few here I would never have thought of, like:
- Bo Peep and her sheep costume
- Junk drawer costume
- Bag of bones skeleton costume
- Race car driver costume
- Graveyard ghost costume (RIP)
- Wise owl costume
- Space alien costume
Sometimes Halloween costumes can be time-consuming to make. But that doesn’t have to be the case — especially if you have a few handy items laying around the house. Here are some kids DIY Halloween costume ideas that are quick and easy to make using items you probably already have at home:
- Batboy costume
- Grandma or Grandpa costume (my personal favorite)
- Private eye costume
- Flower child costume
Want a really unique Halloween costume for your child this year? Here are 3 homemade Halloween costumes that you can bet others haven’t seen yet:
- The ocean
- Dinner on the table
- Dirty laundry
Check out this amazing collection of kids Halloween costumes you can make yourself! Some of the most unique ones are:

- Ace Ventura, Pet Detective costume
- Autograph book costume
- Baby pageant winner costume
- Bay of popcorn costume
- Beanie baby costume
- Chia pet costume
- E-mail costume
- Energizer bunny costume
- Fashion police costume
- Nintendo Game Boy costume
- Pez dispenser costume
- Puzzle costume
- Rubik’s Cube costume
Okay, this one takes the cake. This is definitely one that I would never have thought of! Check out this way cool Musketeer Halloween costume. Why is it so cool? Because if you have 3 children, then you could dress them all up as the Three Musketeers!
Those are several of the many different DIY kids Halloween costume instructions that are available online. The best part: the majority of them can be made with things you already have on hand! If you don’t have all of the items at home, most of them can be purchased for not a lot of money.
When I was a kid, the best memories I have of Halloween are the costumes my parents helped me put together rather than the ones that came in a box from the store. The few times my parents did buy those types of costumes, they rarely had the memory value. Nor did they have the reuse value — in terms of playing dress up. The homemade Halloween costumes always remained our favorites.
Because of that, to this day I still make my own costumes when it comes to dressing up for Halloween!
More Sources For DIY Kids Halloween Costumes