Christmas Fun

eople, PLEASE take down your Christmas decorations. That is all.

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Can you believe that we have absolutely NO Christmas decorations up this year?! Not one. Bah humbug, right? Yeah, well... it's more like this: I'm just not about "stuff"....

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Holiday letters... most people either love 'em or hate 'em! I happen to be one who LOVES them. Here are the reasons that I LOVE receiving holiday letters, and my tips for writing a good holiday letter.

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Following are a handful of truly classy Holiday cards, and some VERY unique postage stamps to use for yourself, or as a creative gift for a friend or relative.

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Looking for unique gift ideas?... I use Christmas and Birthdays as a time to introduce people to new things. I like to give gifts like practical and handy gadgets, ingenius time-savers, or just clever inventions that few people even knew existed.

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Need a creative gift idea for someone? Check out these colorful cartoon prints. They can be personalized, and they make great (somewhat comical) keepsakes for people of all ages.

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