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Practical Gift Ideas For All Occasions

Most people try to find a gift for someone that’s useful, while just a little indulgent at the same time — something that the person would love but probably wouldn’t go out and buy for him/herself.

That’s good… if you want to be just like everybody else!

I like to try a different approach. I use Christmas and Birthdays as a time to introduce people to new things. I like to give gifts like practical and handy gadgets, ingenious time-savers, or just clever inventions that few people even knew existed.

gift baskets combo gifts

I also generally give “combo” gifts. I especially like to find a few unique products that most people haven’t seen or used before, and bundle them up as one big gift full of little surprises. (Sometimes they’re less impressed by the cleverness of such gadgets than I am, but it’s a heartfelt gift nonetheless.)


Whenever I just can’t find anything unique that I think this person would enjoy or appreciate (or, if I find a really good bargain on something “traditional”), then I choose gifts like these: