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Christmas decorations/lights

Before you add car Christmas lights, here's what you need to know about the type of lights that work best on vehicles & how to power them with an inverter.

A Christmas tree made of PVC pipe inspired by Martha Stewart. This PVC Christmas tree fits in a window - it's the perfect window Christmas tree! I have lights shining from the outside in -- to add more color to the PVC tree at night.

When you use LED lights for the holidays, not only are you saving energy, you're also lighting up the night in a whole new way. Here are some things you should know before buying LED Christmas lights... including some of the pro's & con's when it comes to using LED lights as holiday decorations.

It seems that the spectacle associated with displaying holiday lights on houses across the country has taken an unusual -- if not 'ugly' -- twist in recent years. In fact, holiday light admirers like you & me seem to have become overly critical and judgmental of the quality -- and quantity -- of one's lights.

It's a hi-tech Christmas in these neighborhoods. Check out these colorful Christmas lights displays which are synchronized to blink on and off with the beat of snappy music.