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Many view Halloween as the one time of year that it's safe to unleash your wild side. For some, that means sexy Halloween costumes. For others it means trashy Halloween costumes. These videos highlight the differences between the 2 types of Halloween costumes, along with some interesting ideas for wearing Halloween costumes in the bedroom.

DIY Network has 4 great videos showing some outside-the-box ways to carve a pumpkin for Halloween! Each video features the unique pumpkin carving techniques used by 4 of their TV experts: Chris Grundy, Jason Cameron, Ahmed Hassan, and Amy Matthews.

We thought that we would take a shot at blogging the Super Bowl Commercials. We'll attempt everything past the opening kickoff.....up until halftime. Here we go!

The ads and commercials which air during the Super Bowl are always memorable... and funny! Check out this archive of Superbowl commercials from 1969 to the present -- plus, a preview of 2015 superbowl ads.

Everything about the SuperBowl XXXIX ads is right here in one place for you. See how all the ads ranked. Check out the ads you DIDN'T see during the Super Bowl. And take a look at previous year's winners.