NOTE: Super Bowl XL was the most watched Superbowl in 10 years
with over 90 million viewers!
Since some people have been talking about it – we thought that we would take a shot at blogging the Super Bowl Commercials.
We’ll attempt everything past the opening kickoff…..up until halftime… here we go!
Break 1 started with Bud – and went to Burger King:
Bud Super Bowl Ad 1 – Office Morale
Burger King’s first one was a minute long.
Burger King Super Bowl Ad
What about the girl that plays the “all beef patty”?
Bud comes out with another one that’s pretty good –
Bud’s Magic Fridge
Toyota’s commercial was… well… I didn’t get it. I think they were targeting bilingual famlies that want a hybrid car?
Toyota Super Bowl Ad
Fed Ex went prehistoric with their 45-second spot. Lynnette liked it – I’m not sure about it.
Fed Ex Prehistoric Super Bowl Ad
First half, we’re going to get another Bud ad. So far, I’ve got to say they are once again the “King” of Super Bowl advertisements. Dave steals a beer and puts his buddy in a tough spot with a bear that had his eye on this cold one.
Bud Ad – Not Cool Dave
Pepsi breaks out with a one-minute ad. Featuring Jay Mohr, P. Diddy and of course D.Pepsi.
Pepsi Super Bowl Ad – Brown and Bubbly – Get You Some
Aleve’s up next – Treky? Spock has a headache – he can’t do the Trek convention.
Aleve and Spock
AmeriQuest doesn’t want us to judge too quickly with this entry… A little disturbing – a little funny – overall I liked it. Made me really think about the mortage process and companies that judge too quickly. I thought it was a great way to drive the point home.
AmeriQuest – That Killed Him
Anything for you hun. Especially if a Bud light is invloved. Probably the best Bud ad of the first half.
Bud Super Bowl Ad #4 – Anything for you hun
Jay Mohr and D.Pepsi come at us again – this time in need of a stunt double.
Diet Pepsi Stunt Double – Super Bowl Commercial
Panasonic goes straight up with their ad
Tough Book – Ideas for Life
Bud comes back with another classic – the Clydesdales playing football.
Didn’t Need To See That
Career Builder comes at us with some monkeys that look a lot like our bosses. Heck, it’s the New Year – didn’t you say you were looking for a new job?
A Better Job Awaits
Well, Caddy spent a few bucks on a minute’s worth of Super Bowl time – not sure why…supermodels? Sleek Escaldes?
The New Escalade
Best “feel good” ad that makes you think – this should win an addy for Dove.
You’re Beautiful Like A Rainbow
Kermit says it ain’t easy being green – Ford makes it a little easier.
Ford’s Super Bowl Commercial
Mich Lite gets a little darker with this commercial – touch football anyone?
Late Hit
I got an email from GoDaddy on Saturday – with a link to a bunch of clips of ads that were supposedly rejected by ABC – I must admit that this one wasn’t the best of the bunch. But, it was hard for me to believe that the others were rejected – given some of the other ads. You be the judge.
GoDaddy Super Bowl Ad
Gillette uses a mini-movie for their one minute spot – problem is we don’t even know what it is until late in the game – by that time I had lost interest. But then again – what do I know – those big ad agencies know what it is that we want to see… right?
Sprint makes us laugh a little.
Sprint Super Bowl Commercial
Last but not least. You may have noticed I didn’t upload any house ads. Although a few notables were one from ESPN and the Disney ones I liked. While I wasn’t going to run any house ads – I couldn’t resist this one. Maybe it’s the football fan in me. I don’t know. It just makes you feel good and takes you back to being a kid – made me think about the first Super Bowl I watched.
NFL Network
So, that’s our contribution to blogging Super Bowl ads. We learned a little and had some fun. Hope you did too.
My take, for those that care:
- The King of Beers remains the undisputed “King” of Super Bowl advertising. Their ads were funny – carried a theme and were different enough to hold my attention.
- My runner-up goes to AmeriQuest — edgy and thought-provoking.
- Pepsi gets an honorable mention.