Hobbies & CraftsIdeas For PartygoersValentine's Day Fun

Ideas For Single People Without A Date On Valentine’s Day (…and Some Reasons To Enjoy Being Single!)

51-things-to-do-waiting-for-the-right-one.jpgNo, I’m not a relationship therapist (though I did major in family counseling in grad school).

And I’m not single (though I was single a full 34 years before I got married 6 years ago).

But since I believe that good times should be had by all on this national couples holiday that we call Valentine’s Day, I simply offer the following FUN things that I used to do when I was stuck at home and alone on major holidays.

While most are not all that earth-shattering in and of themselves, perhaps they will nonetheless provide some sort of motivation to make the most of your day… as an “unattached” person.

This info is especially meaningful on what could be viewed as “the most depressing day of the year”: Valentine’s Day (…if you’re not happy about being single, that is).

happy singles awareness day


When you’re single you have to pick your own roses and count your own blessings.M.P. Dunleavey


Fun Activities For Single People

So, without further ado, the following activities can be enjoyed solo on Valentine’s Day… or any time of the year.

Disclaimer: Yes, I know it’s cold and wintery at the time of this writing (where most of us live anyway), but in some places, it’s warm year-round. Since some of the following are warm-weather activities, if you don’t already live in a warm locale where you can enjoy the finer things about the outdoors… well, then there’s something to be said for packing a bag and taking a spontaneous “there & back” trip then, isn’t there? (…If nothing else than just for the sake of saying you did it.)



Going to the movies alone on major holidays became such a “tradition” for me in my single life that Jim and I have incorporated it into our married life as well. There’s just something about seeing a movie when most people are not even thinking about what’s on at the movies! Every holiday… this is where you’ll find us.



Depending on your “outdoorsy” sense of adventure, a solo camping trip will either energize and empower you (take your bike, sit by the lake, go on a hike, rent canoe), or send you wallowing in your sorrows (where you’d probably be more inclined to take a 6-pack, take all your old love letters, take a framed picture of your ex, and take some sleeping pills — NONE of which is recommended, mind you).



Get out & about and explore some unknown territory in your car. If it’s warm enough, roll the windows down (or put the top down), crank the tunes, and go wherever the road leads you. You have no destination. You have no obligations today. You are free to roam the great outdoors and just enjoy the day… alone. (Want some extra adventure?… rent your dream vehicle (like a Jeep or a motorcycle) for the day!



Whether you’re an avid cyclist, or you’re the owner of an old beat-up, rusty Schwinn… the pay-off is still the same. You’ll become rejuvenated and feel like a kid again pedaling around the neighborhood. Don’t want anyone you know to see you?… Then stick your bike in the car and motor on over to the nearest state park. There, you can pedal (or wobble) to your heart’s content, take in the sights, stop and smell the roses (oh, sorry… daisies!), and even burn a few calories at the same time.



Some fun newactivities to consider:

    • Yoga there’s nothing like it for making you feel great in a short amount of time — with very little effort on your part!


    • Snow Skiingon-site lessons are the way to go. They’re cheap, they don’t try to humiliate you, and the instructor just might be cute!


  • Parasailing most are surprised to learn that this is such a mindless, effortless, no-skill-required kind of activity. You sit. They drive the boat. They add some slack to the rope attached to the harness you’re sitting in. And you rise above it all. All the while, taking in some of the most beautiful sites around.



Whether you’re handy in the kitchen or not, find a recipe (either an old family favorite, or one you dig up online), take a trip to the store and purchase all of the necessary ingredients. (Don’t forget to splurge on some special pre-made dessert that’s to die for!) Rush home to work your magic. And waa-lah… marvel at your accomplishment.



Hopefully, you’ll feel compelled to get outdoors and photograph places that mean something to you, or some common local sights (people window-shopping downtown, kids playing at the park, animals at the zoo). If that’s not motivating you, then consider these unique ways to use a digital camera. Either way, spending the day sharpening up your photography skills will surely yield some satisfying results at the day’s end.



Whatever it is that you are passionate about in life — be it a particular hobby, travel, craft projects, charitable acts, etc. — use this day to make great strides by just doing that today. This is also known as drowning yourself in productivity… or pursuing those things that you are passionate about. As
long as it’s something you are completely driven to succeed at, then you will still be having FUN while accomplishing great things at the same time.



Okay, I’m not advocating people who haven’t already weighed out the pros & cons of owning a dog go out and get a puppy — just on a whim. That’s certainly not the right way to acquire a housemate, playmate, and lifetime friend. But, there’s no denying the many ways that a dog can help you get a date.



Whether you choose to have other single people over to celebrate by playing these one-of-a-kind singles games, or whether you prefer to soak in the glory of being single on your own, the goal is simply to make today your day!


QUIZ: How Comfortable Being Single Are You?


Single… By Choice

Just last week, a friend of mine asked what I thought she should tell people who assume that she’s down-in-the-dumps about (still) being single. In fact, she’s started to become annoyed that people are so inquisitive about her singlehood.

She’s dating. She’s happy. She’s never dated the same guy more than a few months. She’s content.

I told her to simply tell them of all the FUN things she’s been doing as a single, independent, adventurous and fun chic! (I think she needed a little convincing herself… in effect, validating her decision to remain “single & dating” well into her 30’s now.)

If you’re single and you love it (or even if you hate it), I invite you to take a few minutes to peruse the following lists highlighting all the reasons it’s great to be single today…

We are the first generation of women to have singlehood as an option. Time was when being unmarried meant you were a spinster or (worse) there was something wrong with you. —M.P. Dunleavey


Reasons It’s Great To Be Single

10 Benefits of Being Single (…from a guy’s point of view)

What’s Wrong With Being Single? (…from a psychologist’s point of view)

52 Reasons Why It’s Great To Be Single (…from a girl’s point of view)

5 Things That Are Great About Being Single (…from a christian’s point of view)

Reasons To Start Enjoying Your Solo Life (…from someone who’s been dumped)

50 Best Things About Being Single (…from other single people)

10 Things To Do While You’re Single (…from a guy’s point of view)


Being in a relationship and being single are really just two different sides of the same life coin: both have challenges, both have freedoms, both have lessons, and both are wonderful opportunities to learn to become the best person you can be and fully express the gifts you came to this life with. The Relationship Institute