Over the years, I’ve hosted Thanksgiving dinner dozens of times.
Each year, I insist that my entire dinner table is decorated for the holiday.
The table decor doesn’t have to be elaborate or expensive. It just has to look nice.
Here are some of the fun Thanksgiving table decor ideas I’ve used…
Thanksgiving Centerpiece

The Thanksgiving centerpiece is the focal point of your table.
This year, I used a faux pumpkin, cut the top out and placed an ivy plant with lots of vines inside.
I then used artificial autumn leaves around the base.
Pillar candles were placed along the table and surrounded with more maple leaves.
I set the table with vintage turkey salt and pepper shakers and turkey napkins.
Miniature pumpkins, which I bought at a local farm, were placed near the centerpiece in groups of three.
I received many compliments from my guests on my table decor. It was colorful, had lots of texture, and created eye candy as we gave thanks for blessings received.
TIP: If you are placing a plant in a faux or hollow pumpkin, be sure to place a saucer or other dish under it to catch any water that might drain from the flower pot.
Thanksgiving Table Garland

Beautiful Thanksgiving garland can be purchased in stores, but why don’t you get the kids involved and make a thankful Thanksgiving chain garland?
My daughter and I did this when she was little, and both she and I have done it with my grandsons. You can even write all the reasons you’re thankful on the strips of paper that make up your paper chain.
What you need:
- Red, orange, brown, green and yellow construction paper
- Pencil or pen
- Scissors
- Ruler
How to do it:
- Lay your ruler on the construction paper and make a mark along each side.
- Cut out strips
- Have every family member write something they are thankful for on each strip
- Bring ends of the strip together to form a link and glue the ends together
- Thread a different colored strip through the formed link, bring the ends together and glue.
- Continue in this manner until you have a chain that is between 8 and 12 feet long.
- Allow the garland to dry thoroughly.
- Drape the Thankful Chain around the centerpiece and down the lengths of the table.
- Add faux or real maple leaves, orange candles and miniature pumpkins and turkeys for a fun holiday look.
TIP: If you use real maples leaves, be sure they are completely dry to prevent staining of the tablecloth.
Turkey Placemats for Kids

Turkey placemats are simple to make and keep kids busy as they are waiting for Thanksgiving dinner to be served. I’ve made these every year that young children would be guests for Thanksgiving.
What you need:
- One piece of orange or white construction paper for every child’s place setting.
- Turkey coloring page or template
- Crayons
How to do it:
- Using the Turkey coloring page or template, cut along the outline of the turkey
- Transfer or trace the turkey onto the construction paper. Or, if you wish, simply glue the printed coloring page onto orange construction paper.
- Place each placemat at the table and place crayons nearby.
- While children are waiting for Thanksgiving dinner to be served, ask them to color their turkey placemats. This keeps them quiet while the food is being placed on the table.
TIP: When guests depart the children can take their placemats home with them if they aren’t badly soiled.