Fun Holiday Stuff

The ads and commercials which air during the Super Bowl are always memorable... and funny! Check out this archive of Superbowl commercials from 1969 to the present -- plus, a preview of 2015 superbowl ads.

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Check out this list of unique New Year's Resolutions... my personal New Year's resolutions, other common New Years resolutions, the most popular New Year's resolutions, and more. Plus tips on how to stick to your resolutions this year!

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A funny little Hanukkah story... plus some Hanukkah humor, including games, songs, crafts and activities for kids.

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With all the hub-bub about Christmas Trees vs Holiday Trees, churches having -- or not having -- Sunday services on Christmas day, and all the other 'politically correct' ways that people have tried to un-Christmas the holiday this year... I've got an idea! It's called 'Merry New Year'...

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Whether you're usually in a hurry and simply don't take the time to do it right, or you just never learned 'the proper way' to wrap gifts, here are the best-of-the-best tips for wrapping presents -- Christmas presents... Birthday presents... Graduation presents... Wedding presents... whatever.

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It's a hi-tech Christmas in these neighborhoods. Check out these colorful Christmas lights displays which are synchronized to blink on and off with the beat of snappy music.

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Let this holiday wish list of one homeless guy be an inspiration to us all...

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Here are some little-known fun facts about Turkeys... plus some fun Thanksgiving Day songs & audio clips.

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The latest thing in holiday decorations is the upside down Christmas tree! It's certainly a novelty that gets a lot of stares... Here's why more and more families are choosing an Upside Down Christmas tree for their own home this year.

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