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Halloween Recipes: 4 Fun Halloween Treats

Following are some of my favorite Halloween recipes.

The best part: they’re easy and fun to make.




#1 – Ghoulish Granola Gloves

For several years I handed out ghoulish gloves as a Halloween treat. Each year, kids would knock on my door looking for a repeat performance.


What you need:

* Transparent rubber gloves
* 1 cup raisins
* 1 cup dry roasted pumpkin seeds
* 1 cup dried sunflower seeds
* 5 cups popcorn
* 1 cup cheerios
* 1 cup mini marshmallows
* Metal or plastic scoop
* Orange and black yarn

How to make:
* Add all ingredients to a large mixing bowl
* Mix thoroughly
* Scoop mix into rubber gloves, being certain to leave enough room at the top to close
* Tie with orange and black yarn

Here’s another Halloween trail mix recipe.


#2 – Jack-o-Lantern Cookies

These are a nice treat for Halloween parties or to send to school for a Halloween party snack. Kids just love them. I help my grandsons make these every Halloween.


What you need:
* 3 sugar cookies
* 2 tablespoons cream cheese
* Apple peelings
* Parsley

How to make:
* Spread sugar cookies with cream cheese
* Cut apple peelings to form eyes, nose and mouth
* Add parsley for pumpkin stem

Here’s a similar recipe for Jack-o-Lantern Cookies.


#3 – Pumpkin Cream Cheese Shortbread Cookies

If you’re looking for a sweet and delicious Halloween treat, this one is a nutritional treat that is easy to make.


What you need:
* 1 dozen pumpkin shaped shortbread cookies
* Cream cheese
* Apple slices with peeling left on
* 1 cup cooked pumpkin spiced to taste
* 4 tablespoons brown sugar or brown sugar substitute
* 1 brick of cream cheese, softened

How to make:
* Bake shortbread cookies and cool thoroughly
* Place softened cream cheese in mixing bowl
* Add pumpkin and spices
* With electric mixer beat the mixture on medium speed for 1 minute
* Spread mixture on pumpkin-shaped shortbread cookies
* Cut eyes, mouth and nose from apple slices or use candies

Here’s a recipe for Iced Pumpkin Cookies.


#4 – Bloody Eyeballs

Kids love ghoulish treats. Bloody eyeballs are always a hit with my grandsons! These are easy to make and simple enough that the kids can lend a hand.


What you need:
* Powdered doughnut holes
* Gummy lifesavers
* Semi-sweet chocolate chips
* Red gel icing

How to make:
* Attach one gummy lifesaver to the powdered doughnut hole with red gel icing. This creates the iris of the eye.
* Place semi-sweet chocolate chip in the center of the lifesaver to make the pupil. Attach with red gel icing.
* Use red gel icing to make thin ribbon-like veins around the eyeball.

Check out this fun recipe for Bloodshot Eyeballs. And here’s a video showing how to make blood vessels for scary eyes as Halloween treats.



Other Fun Halloween Party Treats

Kooky Cauldron Sundae

Marshmallow Ghosts and Ghouls

Chopped Fingers

Bug Juice

Pumpkin Soup Served In A Pumpkin