Hobbies & CraftsIdeas For PartygoersValentine's Day Fun

How Most People Celebrate Valentine’s Day

According to Hallmark (January 2007), here’s what people are doing this year for Valentine’s Day…

Top Ways To Celebrate Valentine’s Day

small-heart.gif Greeting Cards – 65%

small-heart.gif Date Night – 44%

small-heart.gif Candy – 38%

small-heart.gif Flowers – 32%

small-heart.gif Gift Cards – 29%

small-heart.gif Plush – 21%

small-heart.gif Other Gifts – 17%

small-heart.gif Perfume/Cologne – 12%

small-heart.gif Jewelry – 11%

Hallmark cites their sources as: Hallmark, Retail Industry Leaders Association, National Retail Federation.

UPDATE: Hallmark has updated their Valentine’s Day fun facts page.