Considering the fact that most greeting cards cost anywhere from $3.00 to $6.00 (and up!) these days…
To be able to find a place that makes personalized greeting cards (even photo cards with your own picture on them) for less than $3 is no easy feat.
But when a company will…
…print your full-color cards
…with your personalized message and/or photo
…and mail them directly to each of the addresses you specify
…all for $3.00 or less per a card (including the postage)
Then, that’s what I’m talkin’ about!
Jim actually found these personalized cards & passed the info onto me. I think he found a really good deal, so I thought I’d share…
Whether you choose to send your holiday cards out this way, or if you just want to send out personalized greeting cards throughout the year, Astonishing Cards has what you’re looking for!
The best part…
You can personalize your own card(s) for virtually any occasion:
- Announcements
- Birthday Cards
- Christmas Cards
- Holiday Cards
- Invitations
- Patriotic
- Pets
- Save The Date
- Special Occasions
- Sports
- Thank You Cards
Try It Out Now…
Then, simply choose “Photo cards” to upload your own photo, then choose which size of card you’re interested, then start experimenting with designs and wording.
Or, pick from one of the above categories, select a size, and begin personalizing your card!
Think outside the box…
If you’ve got a small business or something, this might be one of the most cost-effective ways to do some direct-mail projects with your logo and/or a photo on them. Plus, their Postcards are the least expensive option of all!
Other Fun Products You Can Put Your Photo On:
Personalized U.S. Postage Stamps