When I started getting emails like this one…
Do you know where I could purchase that Santa Sweater featured in this article? I know its from a year ago, but I would love to be able to find one for myself. Thanks. –Connor
…I realized it was time to break out this year’s Ugly Sweater candidates!
By the way, the ugly sweater you see me wearing in that article was created using the “make your own ugly sweater” link at the bottom of that article. Hence, the sweater doesn’t actually exist. Unfortunately, that link isn’t working any longer either. So that sweater is truly a classic… a one-of-a-kind heirloom. But this one is a close runner-up.
Perhaps the following Ugly Sweater ideas will be helpful when you’re searching for your very own Ugly Sweater to wear to parties this year.
Word to the wise… Ugly sweaters are one thing. You just don’t want to become known as “Mr. Office Party Over Hugger”, as described by Bud Light’s Real Men of Genius:
Listen to Bud Light’s Real Men of Genius ”Mr. Office Party Over Hugger”:
Seasonal Sweater Fun
Yep, Ugly Sweater season is upon us.
That means now is the time to start picking out your very best (or would that be worst?) ugly sweater
If you haven’t decided which are your ugliest sweaters for this holiday season yet, or you just can find the “right” one… consider the sweaters below. They’re all available online.
Where To Buy Ugly Sweaters
I realize that buying an Ugly Sweater — on purpose — is not exactly the point to this seasonal tradition.
After all, Ugly Sweater contests were founded on the idea that everyone has at least one outrageously grotesque garment in their closet — not necessarily by choice. More than likely, that Ugly Sweater was purchased just for you… Or, quite possibly, handed down to you.
But hey, if you haven’t been graced with an Ugly Sweater (naturally) yet, then you just might be interested in buying a really fun one for this year’s festivities. Right? That, or you might be interested in starting the tradition among your own friends & family by buying someone else a really Ugly Sweater.
Here are some the ugliest sweaters I could find online:
Click pictures for ordering info.
You could certainly jingle somebody’s bells wearing this sweater!…
Now what’s better than a Christmas sweater promoting the fact that you love holiday sweaters?…
This one’s hot, HOT, pink… and loud.
A sweater with tumbling snowmen just wreaks of fun, right?
Santa’s climbing to new heights here. I thought chimneys were his thing…
A classic… this one just makes you smile — really big.
The jingle bells around the neck are a nice touch…
Be careful not to brush up against anything… you’re sure to lose a ball!
Because cows are the true symbol of Christmas, right?…
This one’s not bad, so long as you feel like promoting Santa’s beard dandruff on your chest…
The faux fur & wintery effects are nice… but they make me want to put on a sweater!
This one has a lot of bells & whistles (…or is that balls & jewels?)…
Feel like swinging from the rafters?…
This snowman’s definitely up to something…
If you’re looking for a Santa sweater, this one’s hard to beat…
This one gives me the warm fuzzies… just like a pair of old stockings!
And nothing says “Merry Christmas” better than a sweater that says “Merry Christmas”…
Well… some of those were interesting alright. And in just the right circumstances, many of the above sweaters could probably be considered “classy”. Just the same… if you were to wear any of them to an Ugly Sweater party, you would certainly fit right in.
How To Wear An Ugly Sweater… And Look Great
Following are some great ways to wear an ugly sweater and still look fashionable:
- Tomboy Chic: collared shirt + Christmas sweater + slouchy boyfriend jeans + heeled booties
- Vintage Pretty: Christmas sweater + full-length skirt + suede booties + chunk beanie + red lipstick
- Festive Affair: Christmas sweater + asymmetric hem skirt + embellished peep toe high heels
- Grunge Glam: Christmas sweater + leather pants + studded ankle boots + black mascara and eyeliner
- City Slick: Christmas sweater + comfy jeans + velvet slip-ons + fringe scarf
- Maxi Me: Christmas sweater + sexy tube top + pleated maxi skirt + chunky necklace + gladiator sandals
Haven’t Found The Perfect Ugly Sweater Yet?
Check these out:
- The Ugly Sweater Store (…7 pages and counting!)
- My Ugly Christmas Sweater
- The Country Ewe
And just for the guys… here are some Ugly Sweater ideas for men!
Not quite bold enough to wear an Ugly Sweater to the party? You could always just take an Ugly Sweater “prop” instead!
Apologies in advance to the creators of these — and other — Ugly Sweaters. And, if you happen to own any of these just remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. (I’m sure it looks great on you.)
If there is ONE thing I like… it's C H A N G E! The four seasons and major holidays are my favorite times of the year to recharge — and redecorate. I mostly like to share frugal DIY ideas for seasonal home decorating and party planning (for both, indoors and outside). Because who doesn't enjoy entertaining at home?! But even if you don't host many parties, I think you'll appreciate my DIY hacks and clever ways to decorate your house for the major holidays including Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas. Because those are the times when people tend to have the most visitors and overnight houseguests.